Dear President Obama,
You say you love small business, where 90% of new jobs come from. The backbone of America. Have you ever ran one? Do you even know the definition of small business?
Did you know that not one penny is allocated for small businesses in all your stimulus spending? Worse yet, Cap and Trade Tax will stick small businesses with a huge tax increase, as the Bush tax cuts expire.
Your administration is harming small business as more keep closing their doors each day. Welcome to the welfare state of Barack Obama.
Most small business owners cannot even claim unemployment as they get paid through the great tax system's K1 plan. Besides they could not afford to pay into the unemployment 'fund' if they could.
Mr. President, small business owners need to pay their people first, then their vendors, and of course rent and utilities. Then they get what's left, which usually is less than minimum wage.
So with our economy in a spiraling downturn, unemployment raising rapidly to 9.8% (as of today), businesses closing, our homes are foreclosing, our cars are being repo'd, bankruptcy rates are climbing to record numbers, and bailouts are the norm.
We have a few questions for you Mr. President:
1. Why is the stock market rallying?
2. Why are you printing worthless money?
3. Why has the national debt tripled?
You Sir are saving Wall Street while shutting down Main Street. This is a disaster that will continue to get worse.
How does an out of business owner find a job in your society? Is this your plan to keep the masses under your control? A welfare state, but you claim to be pro-business. But only the ones you control, and now you want healthcare.
Respectfully your,
Small Business Owners
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