Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama Deception TV Ad

(Raleigh, NC) -- Last week Associated Press wrote about a new national 527 conservative group,, that is being formed to combat through TV ads and technology networking that are "designed to influence state and local politics nationwide." (AP, 9/21/09)

Today the group unveiled a new national TV commercial exposing President Barak Obama as "the very face of Socialism." The commercial begins airing in Congressman Joe Wilson's district in South Carolina Monday, as well as in North Carolina -- and in the coming days Des Moines, Iowa and Manchester, New Hampshire.

"America is the victim of the greatest deception in history because Barak Obama pretended to be mainstream and for change, but now we see he is a radical left-wing socialist who has a hidden agenda that could destroy the America we know as the shining city on the hill," said Andrew Brock, an organization founder and State Senator from North Carolina.

"Huge government takeovers, bailouts, tax increases, proposing socialized healthcare, naming admitted communists to top White House economic jobs, freeing terrorists to Bermuda, cutting defense, dignifying Venezuelan and Iran's brutal dictators, the list goes on and Americans are terrified we have a Marxist on Pennsylvania Avenue," Brock concluded.

"Citizens need to understand who is lying, and who is exposing the truth. It's not Joe Wilson, it's Socialist Barak Obama," Brock continued., a 527 organization, outlines it's strategy as to become the conservative answer to by using extensive social and technology networking methods in addition to building a grassroots team of "Wakers" across America.

"Like, we will use TV ads to spread the truth to America. Unlike, our values are to protect liberty, freedom and opportunity -- not to destroy them," said board member Will Head.

"It's truly shocking how few citizens know about the corrupt socialist onslaught against our nation. We cannot rely on the liberal media to get our message out, that's why we will run TV ads and then build grassroots teams of supporters in every state, starting in the Carolinas and moving into Iowa and New Hampshire.

"The American people deserve to hear the truth and that is our mission," Head concluded.

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