Wednesday, September 30, 2009

‘Wake Up America’ shakes world of microcampaigning

Last week, conservative leaders of a North Carolina-based group, Wake Up America, launched an advertisement criticizing Democratic leaders for approving the latest national budget and higher taxes.

"We're going to continue to have a budget crisis as long as we have leaders in Raleigh that continue to spend inappropriately," said junior Nick Ochsner, president of Elon's chapter of College Republicans.

The advertisement has received national attention, as Wake Up America looks to extend its message beyond the North Carolina border.

"The make up of our state is the make up of a lot of people in the country: hardworking people, industries, a lot of different backgrounds," Ochsner said. "What you are going to see is that people are looking to North Carolina for common sense issues."

The advertisement group calls Democratic leaders socialists. Mileah Kromer, assistant professor of political science, said this message isn't going to appeal to moderates.
"They aren't going to get everyone," Kromer said. "What they'll do is appeal to a real passionate minority."

Wake Up America is the conservative counterpart to the liberal group
Junior Taylor Foshee, president of Elon's chapter of College Democrats, said she doesn't believe it's a fair statement for the narrator in the ad to call Democrats socialists.
"I think that's been a term used to polarize Democrats and build the conservative base," Foshee said. "There's an ideological difference between Democrats and conservatives around the budget."

Wake Up America is a 527 group, which is an independent political group. These groups can receive unlimited contributions from business and individuals as long as they don't endorse a specific candidate and focus on issues.

"Depending on what campaign you are for, these can be really beneficial," Foshee said. "The groups have the ability to raise money and donate in a different capacity."

These smaller grassroots movements are a type of microcampaigning, which means it targets a specific group of individuals to get a message across.

Wake Up America and other microcampaigning groups have proven effective on grass roots issues, Ochsner said.

"These groups are bringing attention to issues," Ochsner said. "They are motivating people on issues. These are the groups that do most of the labor on the ground now."

These types of political grassroots movements became more popular in the 2000 election and have been built upon by both Democratic and Republican leaders since that time. Foshee said the Obama administration used microcampaigning in the 2008 election through different types of media.

"I think it's the new wave of campaigning," Foshee said. "It was really effective in 2008 and will be effective in the Senate and Congressional elections as well."

Kromer, Foshee and Oschner all said they agree these types of movements may become more popular in the near future. But there may be some more restrictions for them as well.

"There are going to be more restrictions as it becomes more of a role in the campaigning process," Foshee said. "Keep it fair in terms of the political issues and manage these groups that have come along."

by Pam Richter, The Pendulum - September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

US Mexican Border Crossing Heating Up

The number of people apprehended illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border is down more than 25 percent, according to Customs and Border Patrol, but the rate of people dying while trying to cross is up.

No one knows whether the decrease in crossers is due to the recession keeping people home, the thousands of new border patrol agents or the more than 600 miles of new border fence that has been built. But what is clear is that over the past decade, easier places to cross have been closed, so people are being pushed into isolated areas.

No Way To Prepare

U.S. Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue teams perform hundreds of rescues each year. They also discover the bodies — or skeletons — of those who didn't make it.One scorching afternoon last month, Paul Dubois, a Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue agent, and his team were trying to catch up with a group of a dozen illegal crossers about 50 miles north of the border. The terrain is remote and rugged, so a helicopter helped Dubois search for the group, and given the intense desert heat, delivered jugs of water to the team and to the crossers.

When Dubois and his crew finally caught up to the group of crossers, all but three had escaped — including a girl the helicopter pilot said he had spotted. Two women and a man remained, sitting on the ground in custody. The man said his name was Elario. He said he was from Michoacan, Mexico, on his way to Florida for work.

Led by a coyote — a human smuggler — they had been walking four days from la linea — "the line" or the border — in the desert. They were not injured but were dehydrated.

Dubois says there's no way anyone can prepare for this.

"I think you're dealing with individuals in most cases that are dealing with a dire situation at home. And they think this is the best situation," Dubois says. "And they may be blinded to the reality of what's in store for them. You can't carry enough water. You can't carry enough food supplies. You're gonna have medical complications perhaps."

'A Steady 200 Bodies A Year'

The Rev. Robin Hoover, founder of Humane Borders, a group trying to reduce the number of deaths at the border, does not think the U.S. border policies are effective.

Hoover pulls out maps of Arizona that show bodies discovered at the border. He has noticed a trend.

No matter how you measure it, Hoover says, bodies are being found farther and farther from roads.

It's been a steady 200 bodies a year, despite the drop in illegal crossings. In other words, the rate of deaths is higher. It's become more dangerous to cross.

David Hoffman, head of the Border Patrol's planning, policy and analysis division, doesn't dispute Hoover's numbers. But Hoffman blames the human smugglers for leading their customers into harm's way.

"As we have taken away, denied areas where they traditionally worked in the past, they are going to some of these remote areas," Hoffman says.

Hoffman says the Border Patrol will continue the strategy of pushing people into remote areas as long as Congress and presidents since Bill Clinton order the agency to.

Hoover calls that Washington policy short-sighted.

"We've already demonstrated in this corridor that if you double the number of agents and technology out here, it doesn't have an effect on the migrant deaths," Hoover says. "This is an immoral policy. It's a deadly policy. It lacks imagination, and it cannot be morally supported."

As for the three captured crossers in the Arizona desert, they were escorted along a dry wash to a waiting SUV where they were taken to Tucson, Ariz., and processed through the system. Then they were most likely driven or flown back to Mexico — perhaps to try the deadly crossing again. Source: NPR

Monday, September 28, 2009

OBama Opens the Door to Terrorism

Osama bin Laden perhaps described it best in a media interview gloating about how when the US pulled out of Somalia – he and his terrorist friends saw weakness, and a prey, the US, being vulnerable to attack.

If you can count on anything from psychotic terrorists and totalitarian dictators, it is their proclivity to pounce when their prey displays weakness.

Whenever Israel has extended olive branches such as exiting Gaza, Lebanon, offering statehood – the radical extremists only see weakness and answer with suicide bombers and rocket attacks. When North Korea sees an opening, zoom their long-range missile tests go. Turn your head for a second, and Russia rolls out the tanks.

Bog us down in bogus talks or negotiations that are a rouse from the get go, while building weapons, rockets and preparing for terror.

The only people who don’t seem to understand these radicals seem to all be working either on Pennsylvania Avenue or at the

Now, after cutting US defenses, appointing a US Attorney General whose law firm used to represent terrorists, appointing radical communist advisors to key Czar positions such as running our entire Green Economy, selling out Israel where Obama has a single-digit approval rating, removing war on terror from our discourse, and a weaker speech at the UN than even our weak-kneed European friends, the sharks are circling.

No wonder we are now reading about terror plot arrests all over the United States! It’s no wonder that the North Koreans are shooting rockets over Japan, it’s no wonder Taliban terror is increasing in Afghanistan, it’s no wonder the new Evil Alliance has developed between Hugo Chavez, Iran’s Ahmenijad, Kim-Jong-Il, with a new behind the scenes cooperator in Putin’s Russia.

A Putin’s Russia who finally, miraculously, just saw one of their main obstacles to regional domination removed by their new ally Barak Obama. His removal of missile defenses in Poland and elsewhere emboldens Russia and makes Europe itself more vulnerable to rogue missile attack. Why?

Now , after a historic and frightening UN meeting, a half dozen countries are threatening a nuclear arms race, and why?

Because the world’s defender of freedom, the world’s beacon of freedom, the one and only leader for the basic human values we know are endowed in all of us is now absent.

Our naïve President has is trying to usurp our position as the shining city on the hill, and on defense and foreign policy we are fast becoming not only another irrelevant international left wing player – but worse.

Our policies are literally making the American people more vulnerable to attack and this is absolutely unacceptable yet the left wing of this country is still willing to compromise our security because of some hysterical hatred of George Bush.

All we have to do is pick up the newspapers to see terror plots around us springing into action and the world around us a much more dangerous place because many have their heads in the sand.

Churchill warned about free democracies not recognizing mortal threats until they are at our doorstep. Friends, they are here.

The responsibility for not understanding how radical terrorists and totalitarians prey on weakness is the sole responsibility of our inexperienced and naïve President.

The more leftists claim anyone speaking the truth about our diplomatic plunge is either a racist or part of a right-wing conspiracy – the more dangerous a place our nation becomes, the more of our freedoms are lost, the more our enemies portray weakness and vulnerability.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

NC State Government Coruption Video

The ad notes a newspaper editorial citing how no real cuts were made in the state budget, while the largest tax increase in history was passed during a recession. Columnists such as John Hood have noted that it's just not reasonable that taking a billion dollars out of the state's economy isn't harmful especially as our state suffers from job loss. Democrat leaders have been jailed continually in recent years, with countless FBI investigations and Grand Juries, including ongoing probes into the recent former Democrat Governor Mike Easley. Click here to view.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Help Us Run Ads to Stop Radical Socialism



Obama said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, now his own Treasury department says taxes will go up $1700 a household. Just one of many lies about which the liberals must be held accountable!
We can't do that without your financial help -- either as a donor or as a Team Leader fundraiser.
Please let us hear from you as soon as possible!

America doesn't have another second to waste!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Could Term Limits be the Answer?

The radical socialists have taken over banks, automakers, insurance companies, and are now threatening a government health care takeover that will destroy the highest quality care in the world. We are witnessing the biggest liberal government power grab in the history of America. Spending with no regard for the debt on our grandchildrens' backs.

Never before have our individual liberties been this threatened. Obama taking over the private sector, waging war on the free enterprise system, trying to eliminate competition and the financial incentive for individuals to achieve and create. Socialist liberal leaders attacking and insulting regular American citizens simply for disagreeing with their policies? If you disagree on an issue with Obama, you're a racist? A media that protects Obama by ignoring their duty as a check and balance and abandoning any sense of honest journalism. If we don't stand up and take action, we might as well be living in Canada if Obama and the radical socialists have their way.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

America :: We NEED your help Today!

In 2008, the radical socialists at organized themselves and took over America.

Now we see where that has led:

Freeing terrorists to beach resorts and cutting defense.

Naming a shadow government, yes here in America, of issue Czars -- some are admitted communists, some even thought the US might be behind 9-11. Along with terrorist Bill Ayers and friends who curse America -- these are the people who President Obama has surrounded himself with.

We've seen the worst recession since the great depression. Yet the radical socialists in Washington went on a spending spree of historic proportions.

Radical Democrats tripled the national debt in 8 months.

Taxes are going up on American families. Billions of our tax dollars are being wasted.

The radical socialists have taken over banks, automakers, insurance companies, and are now threatening a government health care takeover that will destroy the highest quality care in the world.

Cap and tax legislation, based on the bogus theory of global warming that has been roundly disproven as false, will raise taxes on every living breathing American because everything we buy will cost more.

Our Constitution has been corrupted by the radical big government liberals who are turning America into a bloated and failed socialist state. All for power. All because the radical liberals who think they know best are attacking our individual freedoms.
Who we are as a country, the right to choose for ourselves and control our own destiny, is being taken away by Barak Hussein Obama and the socialists he's surrounded himself with.

It's time to take our country back. Enough is enough.

How did take over America for the radical liberals?

They organized millions across America to whom they spread their lies in an attempt to reshape America into Canada. Now we're going to Wake Up America, and take our country back, take our freedoms back, take our economic opportunities and security...back.

But we're going to do it with the truth. We're going to take this country back not through lies like, but through exposing the truth about the corrupt radical socialist machine attacking this country.

Conservative leaders across America are joining us. Wake Up America is a unique effort, because for the first time conservatives everywhere, not just professional politicians, can earn income from organizing our fellow conservative supporters.

The time has come to take back America. Join us today at Wake Up

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shouldn't we Fix our Economy First?

Can anyone answer the very simple question dodged by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?

Why the opposition to the very simple solution to improve health care that’s based on freedom, choice and private sector competition — erasing the bogus state boundaries that create monopolies for insurance companies in individual states?

Nobody wants government run health care, but everyone agrees it’s too expensive. Why must a new trillion dollar government entitlement be the answer?

Will the best and brightest aspire to be doctors if there is no financial incentive to become a government-controlled physician?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Conservative group wants to extend beyond N.C.

By Gary D. Robertson


Leaders of a new conservative-leaning political organization based in North Carolina unveiled a TV commercial Monday they hope will become the first of many designed to influence state and local politics nationwide.

Wake Up America also unveiled a Web site that airs the ad critical of Democratic-elected leaders for approving a budget this year with higher taxes. It also mentions a series of pleas and convictions for corruption-related crimes by Democrats, including former House Speaker Jim Black and ex-U.S. Rep. Frank Ballance.

"Are state Democrats the most politically corrupt in America?" the ad's narrator says, directing people to the Web site and calling Wake Up America a group that is "rescuing America from radical socialism."

Raleigh businessman Will Head, one of the leaders of the issues advocacy group, said he provided $30,000 to air the first commercial. It will run for a month, airing at first in three broadcast markets, according to Sen. Andrew Brock, another Wake Up America leader.

Andrew Whalen, executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party, said the commercial shows that Republicans have nothing of value to offer state residents. Democratic lawmakers have said they cut state spending but had to increase taxes to preserve needed services.

"Once again, Republicans and their allies are showing they have no solutions to the problems facing North Carolinians today," Whalen said. "Nothing in the ad mentions how they would create jobs, solve the budget crisis that faced North Carolina due to the global recession, or educate our children."

Brock said Wake Up America wants to expand its influence in a manner similar to the liberal is known for its broad fundraising appeals and organizing through e-mail and other electronic means to boost their causes.

Similar "microcampaigning," Brock said, will tap into frustration about national politics by encouraging voters to raise money and become active in their home states and towns.

"It's about getting people educated and involved," said Brock, R-Davie. "They're not only mad at Washington, they're also mad at North Carolina (politicians)."

Brock said the group has plans to run another commercial next month in South Carolina on federal issues and has negotiated an ad buy on national talk radio.

Wake Up America is identified as a "527" group, named after the section of the federal tax code through which it's registered.

These independent political groups can receive unlimited contributions from businesses and individual donors and generate commercials and other campaign materials that focus on issues, not candidates.

Brock said he hopes to generate money for future ads by organizing so-called "citizen fundraisers" that would receive commissions based on the funds they bring in for the group. The commissions, which could be in the 5 to 10 percent range, are lawful, according to Brock.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Why should America Wake UP!

Wake Up was founded on the belief that freedom and
individual liberty must be protected from the dangers of growing state
and federal governments that continue to erode the pursuit of the
American dream.

We at Wake Up believe that only if the citizens of this
country become passive, or uninformed, can our personal liberties and
free market system be compromised. And that forces are at work in
America on the radical left that would destroy our Constitution, and
remake this country into one massive government bureaucracy seeking to
control every aspect of our lives.

Most Americans don't know the truth about what the government is doing
to them at lightning speed.

Wake Up's main mission is to organize conservatives in
order to spread the Truth in TV ads, on the Internet, and face-to-face.
Our Founding Fathers fled an authoritarian government that believed it
knew better than it's subjects.

Now, we see big government growing at an unprecedented and alarming
rate - with a tripling of an already troublesome national debt -- in
just 8 months of power.

Although President Obama promised no wasteful spending earmarks,
nearly $100 billion in earmarks have been passed.

President Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. But
as the Bush tax cuts expire and expensive government-run healthcare
are discussed, not to mention the huge costs for every American of cap
and tax legislation -- based on the bogus theory of global warming --
which will make nearly every good or service citizens buy, more

The Obama socialist state is taking over private companies, taking
over banks, automakers and telling workers the government will cap
their pay.

A growing, unchecked liberal bureaucracy is putting our very freedoms,
and our Constitution, in danger.

But now we have a President, and his radical leftist allies, who are
purposely infiltrating radicals into our government that would remake
America into something we don't recognize.

Why would President Obama name so many Czars, who escape the scrutiny
of Senate confirmation, who he knows to be far left radicals. One, Van
Jones, was put in charge of our nation's entire Green economy until we
found out what Barak Obama already knew -- Jones was an admitted
communist who denounced American "imperialism" and signed a petition
to investigate whether 9-11 was an inside job! Other so-called Obama
Czars support forced abortions, outlawing hunting and yes, paying
lawyers to represent farm animals.

The national media should be ashamed of themselves for not covering
these huge news stories simply to protect their friend Barak Obama.
Remember how hard the media tried to connect disgraced lobbyist Jack
Abramoff to George W. Bush? Yet we have admitted communists resigning
from the White House, shocking scandals at the corrupt Acorn
organization, and not a word from the major networks and newspapers.

Where had honest journalism gone in this country?

Our new US Attorney General hails from a law firm that represented
terrorists. President Barak Hussein Obama freed terrorists as one of
his first acts in office -- one to a beach resort in Bermuda -- while
slashing defense and even outlawing the phrase "War on Terror."
Candidate Obama distanced himself from radical liberalism. Now in
office, Obama is using his cult of personality to implement the most
radically liberal and dangerous ideas in the history of America.
As citizens, we cannot sit by and let our Constitution be shredded
right in front of our eyes. Previous generations learned that freedom
isn't free, it's earned.

Now, as blind liberals are led like sheep approaching the cliff of
disaster, it is up to us to stand up and do something.

Only together we can make the basic common sense changes we need. But
only if America builds on the current frustrations with Obama-nation
and implements a full-scale conservative counter to and

A conservative group on the cutting edge of technology, the Internet,
and with the courage to take public stands and help define the
political debate.

What can you do?

How can you help?

Wake Up America needs you to rescue our country from radical socialism!
Join us for free and sign up all of your friends to the most exciting
conservative grassroots movement in history.
We will take our country back with your help.
As a team leader, or "Waker," you can build your own local campaign
for change using our conservative messages and products. We are here
to help you organize.

"Wakers" will have the opportunity to earn income from the hard work
of organizing those who share our conservative beliefs.
Thank you for visiting our website and please, join Wake Up today and let us hear from you right away!

Rescuing America from Radical Socialism -- Wake Up

Friday, September 18, 2009

Global Warming

The blind liberal mice eat the pellets that Al Gore feeds them, never mind the facts like the earth has cooled for 10 years and a new study showing the ozone hole is smaller - not bigger. $1700 a family Obama cap and tax hit -- for this bogus theory? Ruining businesses and costing millions of jobs for nothing other than political reasons to satisfy the radicals? Please.