Monday, September 21, 2009

Why should America Wake UP!

Wake Up was founded on the belief that freedom and
individual liberty must be protected from the dangers of growing state
and federal governments that continue to erode the pursuit of the
American dream.

We at Wake Up believe that only if the citizens of this
country become passive, or uninformed, can our personal liberties and
free market system be compromised. And that forces are at work in
America on the radical left that would destroy our Constitution, and
remake this country into one massive government bureaucracy seeking to
control every aspect of our lives.

Most Americans don't know the truth about what the government is doing
to them at lightning speed.

Wake Up's main mission is to organize conservatives in
order to spread the Truth in TV ads, on the Internet, and face-to-face.
Our Founding Fathers fled an authoritarian government that believed it
knew better than it's subjects.

Now, we see big government growing at an unprecedented and alarming
rate - with a tripling of an already troublesome national debt -- in
just 8 months of power.

Although President Obama promised no wasteful spending earmarks,
nearly $100 billion in earmarks have been passed.

President Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. But
as the Bush tax cuts expire and expensive government-run healthcare
are discussed, not to mention the huge costs for every American of cap
and tax legislation -- based on the bogus theory of global warming --
which will make nearly every good or service citizens buy, more

The Obama socialist state is taking over private companies, taking
over banks, automakers and telling workers the government will cap
their pay.

A growing, unchecked liberal bureaucracy is putting our very freedoms,
and our Constitution, in danger.

But now we have a President, and his radical leftist allies, who are
purposely infiltrating radicals into our government that would remake
America into something we don't recognize.

Why would President Obama name so many Czars, who escape the scrutiny
of Senate confirmation, who he knows to be far left radicals. One, Van
Jones, was put in charge of our nation's entire Green economy until we
found out what Barak Obama already knew -- Jones was an admitted
communist who denounced American "imperialism" and signed a petition
to investigate whether 9-11 was an inside job! Other so-called Obama
Czars support forced abortions, outlawing hunting and yes, paying
lawyers to represent farm animals.

The national media should be ashamed of themselves for not covering
these huge news stories simply to protect their friend Barak Obama.
Remember how hard the media tried to connect disgraced lobbyist Jack
Abramoff to George W. Bush? Yet we have admitted communists resigning
from the White House, shocking scandals at the corrupt Acorn
organization, and not a word from the major networks and newspapers.

Where had honest journalism gone in this country?

Our new US Attorney General hails from a law firm that represented
terrorists. President Barak Hussein Obama freed terrorists as one of
his first acts in office -- one to a beach resort in Bermuda -- while
slashing defense and even outlawing the phrase "War on Terror."
Candidate Obama distanced himself from radical liberalism. Now in
office, Obama is using his cult of personality to implement the most
radically liberal and dangerous ideas in the history of America.
As citizens, we cannot sit by and let our Constitution be shredded
right in front of our eyes. Previous generations learned that freedom
isn't free, it's earned.

Now, as blind liberals are led like sheep approaching the cliff of
disaster, it is up to us to stand up and do something.

Only together we can make the basic common sense changes we need. But
only if America builds on the current frustrations with Obama-nation
and implements a full-scale conservative counter to and

A conservative group on the cutting edge of technology, the Internet,
and with the courage to take public stands and help define the
political debate.

What can you do?

How can you help?

Wake Up America needs you to rescue our country from radical socialism!
Join us for free and sign up all of your friends to the most exciting
conservative grassroots movement in history.
We will take our country back with your help.
As a team leader, or "Waker," you can build your own local campaign
for change using our conservative messages and products. We are here
to help you organize.

"Wakers" will have the opportunity to earn income from the hard work
of organizing those who share our conservative beliefs.
Thank you for visiting our website and please, join Wake Up today and let us hear from you right away!

Rescuing America from Radical Socialism -- Wake Up

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