Osama bin Laden perhaps described it best in a media interview gloating about how when the US pulled out of Somalia – he and his terrorist friends saw weakness, and a prey, the US, being vulnerable to attack.
If you can count on anything from psychotic terrorists and totalitarian dictators, it is their proclivity to pounce when their prey displays weakness.
Whenever Israel has extended olive branches such as exiting Gaza, Lebanon, offering statehood – the radical extremists only see weakness and answer with suicide bombers and rocket attacks. When North Korea sees an opening, zoom their long-range missile tests go. Turn your head for a second, and Russia rolls out the tanks.
Bog us down in bogus talks or negotiations that are a rouse from the get go, while building weapons, rockets and preparing for terror.
The only people who don’t seem to understand these radicals seem to all be working either on Pennsylvania Avenue or at the MoveOn.org.
Now, after cutting US defenses, appointing a US Attorney General whose law firm used to represent terrorists, appointing radical communist advisors to key Czar positions such as running our entire Green Economy, selling out Israel where Obama has a single-digit approval rating, removing war on terror from our discourse, and a weaker speech at the UN than even our weak-kneed European friends, the sharks are circling.
No wonder we are now reading about terror plot arrests all over the United States! It’s no wonder that the North Koreans are shooting rockets over Japan, it’s no wonder Taliban terror is increasing in Afghanistan, it’s no wonder the new Evil Alliance has developed between Hugo Chavez, Iran’s Ahmenijad, Kim-Jong-Il, with a new behind the scenes cooperator in Putin’s Russia.
A Putin’s Russia who finally, miraculously, just saw one of their main obstacles to regional domination removed by their new ally Barak Obama. His removal of missile defenses in Poland and elsewhere emboldens Russia and makes Europe itself more vulnerable to rogue missile attack. Why?
Now , after a historic and frightening UN meeting, a half dozen countries are threatening a nuclear arms race, and why?
Because the world’s defender of freedom, the world’s beacon of freedom, the one and only leader for the basic human values we know are endowed in all of us is now absent.
Our naïve President has is trying to usurp our position as the shining city on the hill, and on defense and foreign policy we are fast becoming not only another irrelevant international left wing player – but worse.
Our policies are literally making the American people more vulnerable to attack and this is absolutely unacceptable yet the left wing of this country is still willing to compromise our security because of some hysterical hatred of George Bush.
All we have to do is pick up the newspapers to see terror plots around us springing into action and the world around us a much more dangerous place because many have their heads in the sand.
Churchill warned about free democracies not recognizing mortal threats until they are at our doorstep. Friends, they are here.
The responsibility for not understanding how radical terrorists and totalitarians prey on weakness is the sole responsibility of our inexperienced and naïve President.
The more leftists claim anyone speaking the truth about our diplomatic plunge is either a racist or part of a right-wing conspiracy – the more dangerous a place our nation becomes, the more of our freedoms are lost, the more our enemies portray weakness and vulnerability.
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