Monday, November 30, 2009 Releases First Online Polling Results posts results of 7 online polling questions voted on by visitors and members of our website. Illinois ran away with the distinction of being the most politically corrupt state beating NC, NJ, and NY by a wide margin. See all the results below.

1. Which of these US States ranks as the Most Politically Corrupt in America?

Illinois (56%, 603 Votes) 
North Carolina (24%, 255 Votes)
New Jersey (12%, 125 Votes) 
New York (8%, 95 Votes) 
Total Voters: 1,078

2. Did Obama lie when he said there would be no wasteful earmark spending in his stimulus plan, even though billions in such spending was passed?

  • Yes (92%, 169 Votes) 
    No (8%, 15 Votes) 
    Total Voters: 184

3. Do President Obama’s beliefs and agenda resemble Socialism?

Yes (91%, 164 Votes) 
No (9%, 16 Votes) 
Total Voters: 180

4. Is President Obama paying enough attention to our troops’ needs in Afghanistan?

No (85%, 146 Votes) 
Yes (9%, 16 Votes) 
Undecided (6%, 10 Votes) 
Total Voters: 172

5. Pro fundraising consultants often take a percentage of donations to campaigns. Should citizens have that same opportunity?

Yes (63%, 122 Votes) 
Undecided (20%, 38 Votes) 
No (17%, 33 Votes) 
Total Voters: 193 

6. If such an organization existed, would you yourself be interested in the financial incentive to earn income as a 10% commission fundraiser?

Yes (64%, 115 Votes) 
No (25%, 46 Votes) 
Undecided (11%, 20 Votes) 
Total Voters: 181

7. Do you believe President Obama has lied to the American people about his plans for our country?

Yes (90%, 216 Votes) 
No (10%, 23 Votes) 
Undecided (0%, 0 Votes) 
Total Voters: 239

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week in Review 11/29/09

This new category will recap the posts for the week on our website. Your comments are welcome and encouraged, as we work for you – The American People to Rescue America from Radical Socialism.

1. How health care reform could fall apart:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid eked out 60 votes on a procedural motion to start the health care debate Saturday night – but there’s no guarantee he can pass a bill on the merits.

And as he struggles, the reasons are clear: deep divides among Democrats on a public insurance plan, abortion, tax hikes and cost-cutting. Liberals want the plan to be generous enough. Moderates fear a budget-buster. And everyone is trying to avoid angering senior. read more

2. Forecast for Dem primaries: Ugly -

Republicans aren’t the only ones staring at the unnerving prospect of a 2010 primary season filled with smash-mouth intraparty contests that threaten to distract the party and leave Senate nominees bloodied and cash-depleted. read more

3. Palin Derangement Syndrome:

The Root Cause Updated: “The Alaska Governor is far more than someone who appeals to the (conservative) base, she is someone who can make the base appeal to America.” – C. Edmund Wright in September of 2008, defining the cause of Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) . This compact yet comprehensive diagnosis was made in the early hours of the PDS outbreak when Sarah Palin was first being introduced to the nation. It still rings true as the Jurassic media continues a childish obsession with someone who is not in control of a single government lever. Read more

4. Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government:

WASHINGTON — The United States government is financing its more than trillion-dollar-a-year borrowing with i.o.u.’s on terms that seem too good to be true.

But that happy situation, aided by ultralow interest rates, may not last much longer.

Treasury officials now face a trifecta of headaches: a mountain of new debt, a balloon of short-term borrowings that come due in the months ahead, and interest rates that are sure to climb back to normal as soon as the Federal Reserve decides that the emergency has passed. Read more

5. People don’t trust politicians – now an Elon University poll proves it:

You probably don’t need poll results to tell you most people don’t trust politicians.

But perception of elected officials was one of the topics examined by an Elon University Poll taken last week.

The poll found:

- Seventy-three percent of people surveyed believe corruption is common among people in elected office.

- Sixty-five percent believe elected office-holders look out for their own interests more than they work for the public’s interests.

- Sixty-seven percent believe corruption among public officials in North Carolina is becoming more common. Read more

6. The United States Constitution:

of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article. I.
Section. 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Read more

7. Hiding evidence of global cooling:

Scientific progress depends on accurate and complete data. It also relies on replication. The past couple of days have uncovered some shocking revelations about the baloney practices that pass as sound science about climate change. Read more

8. Thanksgiving Today:

Today, we recall President George Washington, who proclaimed our first national day of public thanksgiving to be observed “by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God.”

In addition, we honor President Abraham Lincoln, who officially established our annual Thanksgiving Day to help bring together a divided nation in the midst of a bloody civil war. Read more

9. Donate to Rescue America from Radical Socialism:

A new national group,, has been formed right here in North Carolina to counter the radical socialists at the leftist group who, along with Acorn and Barak Obama, took over our state and nation last year. Read more

Friday, November 27, 2009 to Run 3rd TV Ad

As the holidays, approach and we prepare for reflection and praising God, would like to share with you, our third TV Ad, a very special inspirational message from President Ronald Reagan about what it means to be an American, what it means to be free, and about the role of government in our lives.

If you are inspired by this message as we are, help us share the enduring words of President Reagan with every person in the United States of America by making an immediate online contribution -- at -- to help us buy TV ads on cable news stations around our nation to share this very special commercial with others.
Also, we would love to know what you think of the TV ad below.
Thank you, Happy Holidays and God Bless America!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Today, we recall President George Washington, who proclaimed our first national day of public thanksgiving to be observed “by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God.”

In addition, we honor President Abraham Lincoln, who officially established our annual Thanksgiving Day to help bring together a divided nation in the midst of a bloody civil war.

Two great leaders putting their lives and policies on the line for our freedom, declaring one homegrown Holiday. A day to pause and give thanks to the Almighty God responsible for our victories and U.S. sovereignty against all odds.

As we recount our blessings as a family, remember to give thanks to our troops who relentlessly continue to fight for our freedoms and that they will soon come home safe and victorious.

Monday, November 2, 2009 Asks NC Tax Reform Panel To Study “Fair Tax.”

"With 9.8% unemployment, The time has finally come for NC to have a pro-economic growth tax system"

(Raleigh, NC) – On November 3rd a joint NC House and NC Senate Finance Committee meeting will discuss reforming the NC tax code. Thank goodness.

With state unemployment rates languishing near 10% for months, Federal stimulus leading to no private sector job growth, and Governor Perdue with only a 24% approval rating, the time has come to bury North Carolina’s outdated tax code with a new structure based on incentive-based growth, according to the NC-based conservative group

“A state legislative commission will meet in November to study a new approach to the state’s tax system and in that there is hope that this won’t be a grab at more tax money – but instead a discussion of a way to simplify a complex tax code and structure taxes in a way that incentivizes economic activity instead of discouraging it,” said co-director Bryan Holloway – who is also a State Representative from King, NC.

“Why can’t North Carolina lead the nation in demonstrating a simpler, fairer way of taxation while at the same time unleashing the kind of dynamic economic growth in our state that will create the jobs we desperately need,” Holloway continued. supports the general principles surrounding the “Fair Tax” and would ask state leaders and economists to study a revolutionary “Fair Tax Plan for North Carolina.”

“Why can’t North Carolina be the first to unleash what is great about America and put billions of dollars into our economy and create the jobs our failed tax system has failed to?” asked Holloway.

National Fair Tax proposals favor a sales tax on new items which everyone, including illegals, or who currently circumvent taxes would have to pay. No special breaks for one group over another or for companies who can pay for expensive lobbyists, because everyone would be treated the same.

According to, leaders such as “Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. Vernon L. Smith have called upon Congress to pass the Fair Tax. Alan Greenspan says it "could certainly meet the fundamental criteria of being simple, fair, and pro-growth."

Retired Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors Member Wayne Angell says, "the economic benefits of the Fair Tax Plan are compelling. The Fair Tax Plan eliminates the tax bias against work, saving, and investment, which would lead to higher rates of economic growth, faster growth in productivity, more jobs, lower interest rates, and a higher standard of living for the American people."

“It would be an injustice for the commission studying tax reform in North Carolina not to give full consideration to taking the bold, job-creating measures we need to kick our economy into high gear,” Holloway concluded.