Thursday, September 24, 2009

America :: We NEED your help Today!

In 2008, the radical socialists at organized themselves and took over America.

Now we see where that has led:

Freeing terrorists to beach resorts and cutting defense.

Naming a shadow government, yes here in America, of issue Czars -- some are admitted communists, some even thought the US might be behind 9-11. Along with terrorist Bill Ayers and friends who curse America -- these are the people who President Obama has surrounded himself with.

We've seen the worst recession since the great depression. Yet the radical socialists in Washington went on a spending spree of historic proportions.

Radical Democrats tripled the national debt in 8 months.

Taxes are going up on American families. Billions of our tax dollars are being wasted.

The radical socialists have taken over banks, automakers, insurance companies, and are now threatening a government health care takeover that will destroy the highest quality care in the world.

Cap and tax legislation, based on the bogus theory of global warming that has been roundly disproven as false, will raise taxes on every living breathing American because everything we buy will cost more.

Our Constitution has been corrupted by the radical big government liberals who are turning America into a bloated and failed socialist state. All for power. All because the radical liberals who think they know best are attacking our individual freedoms.
Who we are as a country, the right to choose for ourselves and control our own destiny, is being taken away by Barak Hussein Obama and the socialists he's surrounded himself with.

It's time to take our country back. Enough is enough.

How did take over America for the radical liberals?

They organized millions across America to whom they spread their lies in an attempt to reshape America into Canada. Now we're going to Wake Up America, and take our country back, take our freedoms back, take our economic opportunities and security...back.

But we're going to do it with the truth. We're going to take this country back not through lies like, but through exposing the truth about the corrupt radical socialist machine attacking this country.

Conservative leaders across America are joining us. Wake Up America is a unique effort, because for the first time conservatives everywhere, not just professional politicians, can earn income from organizing our fellow conservative supporters.

The time has come to take back America. Join us today at Wake Up

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