The White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said FOX News is a “wing of the Republican Party…let’s not pretend they’re a news network.” To draw attention to its biased coverage, President Obama will not be scheduled to appear on FOX for the rest of this year.
This is the same person who in a recent speech to graduates said that said she “praises” Mao Zedong, one of the most prominent Communist theoreticians and mass murderer to this day.
In another grassroots effort to rally her position, the organizers of sent out a blast email letter to its members with a link to electronically sign a petition in support of Obama’s decision to stay off Fox News as long as he does.
The petition says:
Democrats should support President Obama’s effort to call out FOX. Please stay off FOX for as long as he does.”
Democrats often appear on FOX in hopes of reaching out to conservative viewers. But FOX cuts off their mic, distorts what they say, or runs biased headlines at the bottom of the screen. In the end, Democrats always lose on FOX.
FOX insists there’s a difference between its news shows and its right-wing opinion shows with Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and others.
But in August, FOX’s so-called news shows “aired 22 clips of town hall meeting attendees opposed” to Obama’s health care plans and zero in support. CNN and MSNBC were more fair and balanced.
In another “news” story, FOX passed off a GOP press release as its own research—typo and all.
FOX executives now describe the channel as “the voice of opposition” to Obama’s agenda. FOX president Roger Ailes—a former adviser to Nixon, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush—said, “I see this as the Alamo.”
But a Capitol Hill newspaper reports, “In the House and Senate, Democrats who pledged to follow the administration’s near-boycott of Fox were hard to find, although many expressed support for Obama’s stance.”
Democrats will only find the courage to join Obama if they hear from enough concerned voters.
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