Friday, October 30, 2009


In the latest polling from USA Today/Gallup, 54% of Americans now say that Barack Obama’s policies are either liberal or very liberal. That number is up from 43% in November of 2008. USA Today/Gallup and Rasmussen polling is painting a picture of an America that is waking up to the realization that Obama's policies are not the Change for which they had Hoped.

President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and all the other left-wing wannabe socialists in D.C. have told us time and again that Health Care, and the socialization thereof, is the number one issue in America. Problem is you don’t agree. Not even close.

In November of 2008, 64% of you said, “It’s the economy stupid.” A mere 5% of you went to the polls in 2008 to cast your vote for “Hope and Change” in regards to Health Care. Today, despite all the infomercials and Mr. Obama’s Network Tour-de-farce on national television (for which he’s probably been nominated for an Emmy) only 17% of you believe Health Care is the top issue. 41% of Americans say, “It’s the economy stupid”, and 18% of you say it’s Afghanistan. Afghanistan didn’t register in the polls back in November of 2008. Iraq, and the war there, was seen as the top issue by 11% of you.

Remember Iraq. Remember the war there? Remember Obama’s promise of Hope and Change in Iraq.

66% of you ran to the polls in November of 2008 believing it all lock stock and barrel. Today, 56% of you still think Obama will bring the troops home safely from Iraq, and do it in a “way that is not harmful to the U.S.”.

When do you people learn?

It was actually candidate Obama who told us that Iraq was an unnecessary war, that it was Afghanistan which truly mattered. Back on election day, 58% of you thought a "President Obama" would bring our troops home from Afghanistan in a “way that is not harmful to the U.S.”.

You do remember Afghanistan, right Mr. President? It's that little war you told us was far more important than was that big war in Iraq when you wanted our vote?

In fact, Obama promised to step it up in Afghanistan and to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice immediately. That was back in July of 2008.

Let’s not forget the doings over in Congress. Democrats control everything. That’s what you decided would best benefit our children's futures back in 2008 because you were mad at mean old George W. Bush. How do you think YOUR Congress is faring today?

According to a daily tracking poll from Rasmussen, 15% of you think that Congress is doing “a great or excellent job”. Seriously, 15%! Where do the pollsters even find these lunatics?

53% rate Congress as doing a “poor” job. To say that Congress is doing a poor job is like saying the Titanic hit an ice cube.

Rasmussen also takes a look at the numbers for Obama by party.

Shockingly Dems approve, Republicans don’t. Here’s the really important number; among Independents or those that claim no party affiliation, 43% approve of Obama, and 57% disapprove of Obama’s performance as president.

Rasmussen also looked at Health Care specifically. Remember, that the issue that Obama, et al, keep telling you is the most important single issue in the history of the Universe.

Scott Rasmussen writes in the Wall Street Journal:

“There’s also the reality that 74% of voters rate the quality of care they now receive as good or excellent. And 50% fear that if Congress passes health-care reform, it will lead to a decline in the quality of that care.”

Why The Fuss! After all, the U.S. Government has done such a great job with distributing the H1N1 Vaccine, and the Post Office is awesome if you like long lines and surly attitudes, let’s not forget the outstanding work of the V.A. Hospitals. Seniors say Medicare is to die for.

Some of you have awakened. How bad does it have to get for the rest of you?

Source: John G. Winder , The Cypress Times

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