Obama And His Appointees Dismantling US
President Barack Hussein Obama is proceeding to destroy America and has opened up a six-front war to do so:
1. He has a Democratic controlled Congress that is willing to rubber-stamp his wildest schemes, without even reading them…as we’ve already seen. The Democratic Party is now aiding and abetting the demeaning and destruction of America and has become the voice of leftist extremism. The moderates have disappeared or been transformed, issuing only occasional squeaking and whining before following the liberal party line drawn by Mr. Obama. Where have all the Democratic moderates gone?
2. Mr. Obama has immense executive authority, which he has already used to damage the country. One notable example is his decision to try terrorists in New York City, thereby giving the terrorists the premier platform to broadcast their propaganda and recruit Islamic radicals to their cause. Another example is cap and trade by fiat of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), rather than Congressional action.
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GOP leader vows to stay to February
With victory finally in sight, Senate Democrats want to ram health care reform through the chamber with as little debate as possible. Republicans say they’ll slow the votes down as much as the arcane rules will allow — until 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, under current plans.
Three votes are required to get the bill off the Senate floor. All could be done in one day, but Republicans say they’re going to do what in union terms would be called “working to the rule” — requiring 30 hours (including one “intervening day”) before the votes. Read more.
Poll: GOP has best chance since 94 to win NC
House and Senate
A new survey by Raleigh-based Public Policy Polling shows Republicans in their best position in years to take over one or even both chambers in the N.C. General Assembly next year.
The poll by the Democratic-leaning company shows voters evenly split when asked whether they’ll vote for a Republican or Democrat next year. Read more.
Senate Democrats Work to Advance Health Bill Following ‘Big Victory’
Democratic senators worked toward making health care reform their Christmas gift, reconvening on Capitol Hill Monday buoyed by the success of the first in a series of votes on the sweeping overhaul.
Senate Democrats and President Obama touted the momentum behind the package, which is set for a Christmas Eve vote. Senate leaders also won the endorsement Monday from the American Medical Association — the doctors group supported prior versions of the legislation, but the endorsement applied to the latest one unveiled over the weekend. Read more.
Stalemate: How Obama’s Iran Outreach Failed
Having concluded that President Obama’s outreach has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program, the final weeks of 2009 find his Administration focused on mustering support for new sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Iran’s rejection of the terms offered thus far by the U.S. and its partners has prompted Obama to largely revert to the Bush Administration’s approach of ultimatums backed by sanctions — with little obvious prospect of producing a substantially different result.
Obama campaigned for the presidency promising a game-changing diplomatic outreach, noting that President Bush’s efforts had failed to prevent Iran from achieving a capacity to enrich uranium. But, under pressure at home and abroad from skeptics of engagement who insist that Iran is drawing perilously close to nuclear weapons capability, Obama gave his engagement effort only until the new year to change the game. With that deadline fast approaching, Iran’s pushback against a deal that would require it to ship out most of its current enriched-uranium stockpile for conversion abroad into harmless reactor fuel has prompted many in Washington to score Obama’s outreach effort a failure. “I don’t think anyone can doubt that our outreach has produced very little in terms of any kind of positive response from the Iranians,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said last week. Read more.
The Price Is Right? Payoffs for Senators
Typical in Health Care Bill
Sen. Ben Nelson’s hardly the only lawmaker extracting sweetheart deals out of the health care reform bill.
While the Nebraska Democrat got a particularly juicy concession in exchange for a “yes” vote on the 10-year, $871 billion package — permanent and full federal aid for his state’s expanded Medicaid population — support from a slew of other senators likewise came with a price.
Western states got more money for hospitals that serve Medicare patients. Louisiana got up to $300 million in Medicaid benefits. The list goes on. Read more.
Immigration Enforcement Fuels Spike in U.S. Cases
Federal prosecutions reached a record high in the 2009 fiscal year, with the surge driven by a sharp increase in cases filed against immigration violators.
The 169,612 federal prosecutions were a jump of nearly 9 percent from the previous year, according to Department of Justice data analyzed by a research center at Syracuse University in a new report. Immigration prosecutions were up nearly 16 percent, and made up more than half of all criminal cases brought by the federal government, the report said. Read more.
Admin short on money for Thomson
Obama administration officials think they are unlikely to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay and move terrorism suspects there to Illinois until 2011 at the earliest, The New York Times reports.
The administration is having trouble finding money to replace the Guantanamo prison, and the delay puts Obama’s national security policy on a “far slower timeline,” the Times says. Read more.
Odd Couple Demands Probe of Rahm Emanuel at Freddie as More Money Rolls In
WASHINGTON — Two strange bedfellows have asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate President Obama’s right-hand man, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, for his potential role in the near collapse of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The letter by Jane Hamsher, founder of the liberal Firedoglake Web site, and Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform Chief, was sent Wednesday, one day before the Treasury Department announced that it will lift the $400 billion financial cap on loans to the government-sponsored enterprises to make sure they stay afloat. Read more.
SBI looks into possible witness tampering in RC Soles case
The State Bureau of Investigation is looking into possible witness tampering in the case against State Senator RC Soles. Sources tell WWAY, two of the people involved in the shooting at the Senator’s house have been spotted following him around Tabor City.
A Columbus County grand jury has asked prosecutors to seek an indictment on Soles for assault with a deadly weapon for shooting 22 year old Kyle Blackburn. The shooting happened in August. Read more.
Federal Debt Limit Hike Wins Final
Congressional Approval
WASHINGTON (Reuters) –A divided U.S. Senate gave final congressional approval Thursday to a $290 billion hike in the federal debt limit, enough to finance the record U.S. deficit for another two months while the United States digs out from the worst recession since the 1930s.
On a largely party-line vote of 60-39, the Democratic-led Senate approved legislation for the increase. One Republican voted yes and one Democrat voted no. Read more.
Republicans Look for Mechanisms to Halt Health Insurance Bill
The Senate battle may be over for now, but Republicans are vowing the war is not yet lost.
Congress may be gone for several weeks enjoying a winter holiday, but Republicans say they will keep up the pressure on Democrats who succeeded in getting their Senate health insurance overhaul bill passed before Christmas — if just barely.
Several GOP lawmakers say they are still hoping to peel back support for the bill among budget-minded Democrats who are certain to hear from furious constituents over the long break about the overwhelming cost of the $871 billion, 10-year legislation. Read more.
Federal Health Care “Reform” Proposal Would Add $600 Million to N.C.’s Already Strained Budget
North Carolina’s state budget is already at the breaking point. In order to “balance” the current year’s spending plan, lawmakers grasped at a patchwork list of revenue, including more than $1 billion in state tax hikes, $1.4 billion in federal “stimulus” funds and nearly $100 million from various state “trust funds.”
Yet even as states such as North Carolina are struggling to cover their spending commitments, a central part of the federal health care “reform” effort is to further expand the second-largest state-funded program: Medicaid.
North Carolina’s Medicaid program covers about 20 percent of the entire state population. The program is funded by both state and federal appropriations, and North Carolina’s funding share is typically the largest state spending commitment behind only public education. Because of North Carolina’s budget woes, the federal stimulus plan gave the state $857 million this year to help close the budget gap for the Medicaid program – increasing federal matching funds from $2 to $3 for every state dollar spent. ARRA funds, however, are quickly running out and it appears inevitable that the state will need to find yet more money to fund the $10 billion dollar program. Read more.
Read the constitution and get back to basics
Source: Chicago Daily Herold
Wake up America. This great country was founded on a document created by leaders who had escaped from a tyrannical government and came to a new land to give all men freedom; and equality.
It is the constitution of the United States of America. Most of the freedoms included, were freedom from the government. This document has served over the years to make America what it is: the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Now we have come to a testing of that document. Read more.
We are NOT going to Take it Anymore
Do you remember the scene? The Senate. Barbara Boxer hearing from a Brigadier General? Silly General! He addresses Barbara as “Ma’m”, and she CORRECTS him, telling him she’s “worked SO hard to earn the title, “Senator”, so please to use that when speaking to her.
Get a load of this letter!
Read the letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009 as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as “ma’am” and not “Senator” before a Senate hearing. Read more.