Thursday, December 10, 2009 Asks for Donations to Help Create Change

In 2008 and Acorn took over America for Barak Obama and the radical socialists. was founded in August 2009 to counter these groups — A CONSERVATIVE organization poised to Take Back America from Radical Socialism that is running rampant in the US.

Our mission is to organize conservative citizens across America, and to spread the Truth through TV ads about the radical socialists calculated agenda whose far leftist policies are changing our country's fundamental philosophies, legislation, and policies. A new government that is run by unions and special interest groups with the goal of a new world order.

It is shocking how few Americans realize the depth of corruption and liberalism that are attacking this country.

Obama's ratings have dipped to an all time low for American Presidents since WWII, as Americans begin to wake up from their slumber to realize this is not the change we were promised during his campaign.

His socialists agenda includes government takeovers of the banking, insurance, automotive, healthcare, and energy. That is only the begining.

Enough is Enough. The time has come to stand up. Americans are recognizing his inability to lead a nation of our caliber, and want real change.

The American people are showing their dismay with a President who promised change for America, but did not expect such radical left wing socialist change.

Obama has surrounded himself with convicted felons, devout communists, and unaccountable Czars with socialist roots.

He continues to push his unpopular and surprisingly radical socialist agenda by taking over banks, insurance companies, automotive industry and pushing for a government run healthcare system.

Now he is trying to funnel unused TARP monies in yet another disguised Federal stimulus plan aimed at small business.

All this, despite Congress’s decision for the unused funds to be paid back to the American people to pay down the trillion dollar national debt, not a sludge fund for Obama and his cronies to spend as they see fit.

Obama’s money printing press is running wild, while the dollar devaluates at an alarming rate. Now cap and trade kicks off in Copenhagen.

Let's audit the Fed and see where our tax payer money is truly going - you will be painstakingly sickened to see the results. BUT it must be done.

TV Ads have begun running in North Carolina and South Carolina, and we want to bring this cause to all of America.

We need your help to create and air more TV Ads that demonstrate the truth about the current siege on American liberties!

Contributions or gifts to are not tax deductible. is a political organization operating under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Click here to DONATE NOW

Thank You and God Bless America.

Wake Up!

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