Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Obama's Approval Rating Drops to 47%

The most recent Gollup Poll shows Obama's approval rating continues its downward slide amidst a number of political defeats and not following through with campaign promises. The American people are showing their dismay with a President who promised change for America, but did not expect such radical left wing socialist change. Obama has surrounded himself with convicted felons, devout communists, and unaccountable Czars with socialist roots.

He continues to push his unpopular and surprisingly radical socialist agenda by taking over banks, insurance companies, automotive industry and pushing for a government run healthcare system. Now he is trying to funnel unused TARP monies in yet another disguised Federal stimulus plan aimed at small business. Despite Congress's decision for the unused funds to be paid back to the American people to pay down the trillion dollar national debt. Obama's money printing press is running wild, while the dollar devaluates at an alarming rate. Now cap and trade kicks off in Copenhagen.

Press Secretary Gibbs and the White House dismiss the polls as elementary and meaningless, but the American people want answers about the economy, underemployment, and unemployment. In addition they want answers to several broken campaign promises and have tremendous concern about the decision to bring 9/11 terrorists to US soil for a civil trial. Wake Up America. The numbers do not lie, while your President is and has been lying to you. This is the worst first 11 month report card for a US President since WWII. Is this the promise of change that narrowly won the 2008 elections?

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