Saturday, July 10, 2010

week in Review 7/10/10

Black Panther Intimidation

Majority of Likely Voters Agree ‘Socialist’ Accurately Describes Obama

A majority of likely voters think “socialist” is a fair description for President Obama, according to a new poll that looks at how well Obama’s critics have been able to tag him with that buzzword and its often negative connotations.

The poll by Democracy Corps, the firm of James Carville and Stan Greenberg, estimates that 55 percent of likely voters believe “socialist” is a somewhat accurate description of Obama. Poll respondents were asked about a list of words and how well they related to Obama.

When asked about “a socialist,” 33 percent of likely voters said it described Obama “very well,” 22 percent said “well,” 15 percent said “not too well,” and 25 percent said “not well at all.”

A majority of likely voters, 56 percent, also found that Obama is too liberal – 35 percent saying it describes him as “very well,” 21 percent saying “well,” another 21 percent saying “not too well” and 17 percent saying “not well at all.

Officials: 3 arrested in Norway al-Qaida bomb plot

OSLO (AP) – Three suspected al-Qaida members were arrested Thursday morning in what Norwegian and U.S. officials said was a terrorist plot linked to similar plans in New York and England.

The three men, whose names were not released, had been under surveillance for more than a year. Officials believe they were planning attacks with portable but powerful bombs like the ones at the heart of last year’s thwarted suicide attack in the New York City subway.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has called that one of the most serious terrorist plots since 9/11. On Wednesday, prosecutors revealed the existence of a related plot in Manchester, England. Officials believe the Norway plan was organized by Salah al-Somali, al-Qaida’s former chief of external operations, the man in charge of plotting attacks worldwide.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case. The Norwegian Police Security Service said only that the three were arrested on suspicion of “preparing terror activities.” Read more.

Obama to Fill Medicare and Medicaid Post Without Senate Approval

WASHINGTON — President Obama intends to bypass Congress and appoint Dr. Donald Berwick to head Medicare and Medicaid, the White House announced Tuesday — filling the job while Congress is in recess to get around Republican opposition that threatened to derail Berwick’s confirmation.

Berwick’s supporters say he is the right man in the right place at the right time. But his opponents have lined up against him. They say that while he may be a the highly respected doctor, he is also an outspoken proponent of the British health care system, which they say is all wrong for Americans.

“This recess appointment is an insult to the American people,” Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said Tuesday night. “Dr. Berwick is a self-professed supporter of rationing health care, and he won’t even have to explain his views to the American people in a Congressional hearing.” Read more.

Former Justice Attorney Set to Testify in New Black Panther Case

A former Justice official who claims the administration backed off a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party for racial reasons is set to testify Tuesday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

The testimony from J. Christian Adams, who resigned from the Justice Department last month in protest of the administration’s handling of the case, comes after he made a series of explosive allegations during an interview with Fox News last week. He said the administration abandoned an open-and-shut case of voter intimidation and that Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez gave false testimony before the commission in May.

Adams claims the administration has failed to prosecute non-whites when it comes to voting intimidation cases and that the New Black Panther incident demonstrates that. Read more.

Obama Immigration Speech Draws Complaints on Both Sides, May Not Move Needle

If President Obama was hoping to light a spark under immigration reform, he’d better get more matches.

The president’s speech last week outlining the need for a comprehensive overhaul of the system for processing both legal and illegal immigrants has been met with a collective yawn on both sides of the debate.

Republicans resistant to any national overhaul before the borders are better secured accused the president of playing politics with the speech and gave no signs of budging in this election year.

Latino leaders in Congress, meanwhile, praised Obama for finally delivering a high-profile speech on the issue, but other supporters of a national overhaul expressed disappointment that the president didn’t go further and skepticism that it would move forward the stalled debate in Congress. Read more.

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