Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week in Review 03/20/10

3/13/10 – Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) Delivers Weekly GOP Address on Health Care

“Jihad Jane”: American citizen, white, a woman and a terrorist

In the ongoing war on terror, one new and extremely troubling battle involves the rise of those who are citizens of the United States, that for one reason or another choose to conspire with terrorists. They then plan and attempt to implement attacks in this country or overseas.

Homegrown Terrorists Initially Raise Fewer Red Flags

Holding United States citizenship, a passport allowing for much less scrutiny at borders and in many cases not fitting into the profile that intelligence agencies would consider for an Islamic terrorist, these people pose a real and present risk to the homeland security of our country. It is not until they either slip up or get caught in the surveillance net of other suspects that they are stopped. Until that time they will have the ability to move, recruit and plan under the radar. Read more.

Barclay clears way for Hoffman

Republican Assemblyman Will Barclay isn’t running for the House this year, he said Sunday. Barclay’s decision leaves former Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman as the heavyweight among the Republicans hoping to challenge Democratic Rep. Bill Owens. Barclay said his duties in Albany would prevent him from spending time campaigning, and while he considered resigning from the state Assembly, he said that ” fate has it that this is not a good time for someone who thinks his sort of common sense and sound judgment are badly needed right where he is to just walk away.”

The radical left’s latest attack on Glenn Beck

The radical leftists are after Glenn Beck. That’s not unusual, but this time they are using hearsay and have the help of apostate clergy in their attacks.

On his television show, Mr. Beck rightly pointed out that the term “social justice” is code for socialism. He also pointed out that the socialists, and statists have infiltrated some churches as well as other areas of society and rightly suggested that if people were in a church with an apostate clergy that is preaching “social Justice”, they should leave that church.

The reaction from the left wing nut jobs and from the apostate clergy was immediate and fierce. One of the apostate “ministers”, a radical leftist, Jim Wallis, has been especially vocal in his attacks, appearing on TV and radio with every leftist, kook, and talking head, and his written rants are on the almost all of the radical left’s blogs attacking Mr. Beck. Read more.

NC US Senate candidates back health care reform

DURHAM — The Democratic Senate candidates voiced strong support for President Barack Obama’s health care proposal Monday night, separating themselves from the man they hope to replace, Republican Sen. Richard Burr.

The Senate hopefuls said the current health insurance caused too many people with illness to lose their insurance or to go broke paying their medical bills, was too expensive for many small businesses and provided too little competition for private insurers who raise rates at will.

“We have to act now to pass a comprehensive health care reform with a public option,” said Ken Lewis, a Chapel Hill lawyer. “We are closer than we have been in 60 years to getting health care reform …Now is the time to put the pedal to the medal.” Read more.

MoveOn.Org Pledge: DO not Support Dems voting Against Obamacare

Dear MoveOn member,

Health care reform is in serious danger in the House of Representatives: with a handful of conservative Democrats wavering, we don’t yet have the votes to pass the final bill.

So we’re asking every MoveOn member: will you pledge to support progressive primary challengers to House Democrats who side with Republicans to kill health care reform?

With the big vote happening as early as this Friday, conservative Democrats need to know the stakes if they choose to side with Big Insurance over the voters on health care reform. Our pledge will send that message loud and clear. We’ll publicize the amount pledged, and make sure the media and every wavering representative know about it. Read more.

New Glossary Guides People Through Harmful Planning Jargon

RALEIGH — Government planners distort terms such as “affordable housing” and “stakeholders” to attack basic individual freedoms. That’s a key message a John Locke Foundation expert sends with the new planning jargon glossary he’s compiled.

The glossary applies specifically to a new document prepared in connection with Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Raleigh residents can hear public presentations tonight or Tuesday on that document, “Raleigh’s New Development Code: Diagnostic & Approach Report.”

“This glossary is necessary to help Raleigh’s citizens decipher what planners really mean when they talk about open space, sustainability, best practices, and other terms common in planning reports,” said report author Dr.Michael Sanera, JLF Research Director and Local Government Analyst. “The John Locke Foundation provides this glossary as a public service. Without it, the Diagnostic & Approach Report would be virtually indecipherable. It’s written in ‘PlanningSpeak.’” Read more.

Plan to Take Back NC State Assembly

New conservative 527 group plans to target swing NC state legislative districts throughout 2010 with strategic advertising to inform citizens about state Democrats’ shift to the political left. With liberals on the canvass, we can’t afford NOT to keep the pressure on in NC’s swing state legislative districts – even through the primary season and summer — straight through to November. That is the most sensible way for common-sense conservative values to take back control of our state government. That is our mission.

NC’s swing legislative districts are mostly in affordable media markets where efficient and targeted TV advertising, beginning now while liberals are on the run, can prevent their big government machine from dusting off their candidates, reinventing them and loading them up with millions in cash. Please Donate Now.

U.S. Criticism of Israel Ignites Firestorm

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration’s fierce denunciation of Israel last week has ignited a firestorm in Congress and among powerful pro-Israel interest groups who say the criticism of America’s top Mideast ally was misplaced.

Since the controversy erupted, a bipartisan parade of influential lawmakers and interest groups has taken aim at the administration’s decision to publicly condemn Israel for its announcement of new Jewish housing in east Jerusalem while Vice President Joe Biden was visiting on Tuesday and then openly vent bitter frustration on Friday.

With diplomats from both countries referring to the situation as a crisis, the outpouring of anger in the United States, particularly from Capitol Hill, comes at a difficult time for the administration, which is now trying to win support from wary lawmakers — many of whom are up for re-election this year — for health care reform and other domestic issues. Read more.

To fight terrorism, follow the money

On Christmas Day, a man allegedly armed with explosives slipped through our defenses and boarded a plane for the United States. But Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the man charged with planning this attack, was not the only threat. A sophisticated network — Al Qaeda — allegedly turned him from a lone man with violent desires into a grave threat to U.S. security.

While America remains vigilant in defending against such dangers, we must do more than just stop bombers. We must extinguish the source of their threat: the terrorist networks that recruit, train and arm them in the first place.

To do so, we must deny these networks the dirty money that is their lifeblood. Regardless of where our terrorist enemies are — Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia or the next place — we must follow their money and execute a battle plan to target and attack it. Read more.

Biden Slips, Honors Memory of Irish PM’s Mother — While She’s Alive

WakeUp asks Obama: “What’s so FUNNY.”

Vice President Biden added to his lengthy list of gaffes Wednesday when he took a moment to honor the memory of the Irish prime minister’s mother — a woman who’s very much alive.

“God rest her soul,” Biden said as he introduced Brian Cowen and President Obama at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration at the White House Wednesday.

The vice president was quick to correct the mistake, noting that it’s Cowen’s father who is no longer living. Read more.

Quartet blasts Israel over East Jerusalem settlements

The Middle East quartet has strongly denounced Israeli moves to build 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem and urged the Israeli government and Palestinians to resume peace negotiations.

In a hard-hitting statement after a meeting in Moscow, the UN, the EU, Russia and the US condemned Israel’s “unilateral” construction plans and said the status of Jerusalem could only be resolved through negotiations between both parties.

The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, said: “The quartet condemns the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem.” Read more.

Iran to Bam: Shove your olive branch

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s supreme leader sharply denounced the United States yesterday, accusing it of plotting to overthrow Iran’s clerical leadership, in a chilly response to an overture by President Obama for better ties. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei did not outright reject the offer, saying Iran would monitor US intentions. But the supreme leader said that so far, Washington’s offers of engagement have been a deception.

The exchange was a sign of how Obama’s hopes for dialogue have broken down over Tehran’s rejection of Western demands regarding Iran’s nuclear program and its crackdown on the opposition after disputed presidential elections last June. In his message, released Friday, Obama told Iranians that Americans want better cultural exchanges — but also criticized the Iranian leadership for “turning its back” on US overtures.

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